Your senior experiences a great many changes as she ages, including changes in her sleep patterns and with issues like snoring. Even if she never snored before, she might be finding herself doing so now and it can be an indication of other conditions and changes.

Elder Care in Boynton FL: Senior Snoring Tips

Medications and Their Side Effects

Your elderly family member might be taking medications now that she never needed to take in the past. Every medication, no matter how helpful, has certain side effects. Some of those side effects might depress her respiratory system, making breathing more difficult especially at night. Or she might experience weight gain or other symptoms that complicate how she breathes while she’s sleeping.

Changes in Weight

Weight gain in and of itself, even outside of medication side effects, can have a bigger impact on snoring than you or your senior might realize. It’s especially important to pay attention to where your elderly family member is gaining weight. If it’s around her upper chest or neck area, then snoring might be even more likely.

Differences in Muscle Tone

Another aspect of aging that your elderly family member is likely to encounter is the natural loss in muscle tone that occurs. That becomes a problem in terms of snoring because your senior loses muscle tone not just in the larger muscles of the body, but also in other areas such as in the muscles around her lungs, in the roof of her mouth, and other areas that involve the respiratory system. Unlike the rest of her muscle groups, there might not be much that your senior can do on her own about these muscle issues. Her doctor may have solutions, though.

Sleep Apnea

Your senior may even be dealing with sleep apnea. This is a sleep disorder that can cause significant health issues over time and contributes to a lack of sleep. Your senior’s breathing may stop and start again several times throughout the night, sometimes making her sound as if she’s choking, coughing, or snoring. A big indication of sleep apnea can be daytime sleepiness, but her doctor can look for other symptoms and may even order an overnight sleep test. This might even be done in her own home so that she doesn’t have to go elsewhere overnight.

Losing weight, monitoring certain foods and allergies, and even being more active during the day can all help your senior to counter issues with snoring while she sleeps. Elder care providers can be incredibly helpful in managing all of these solutions during the day or when you can’t be there with your elderly family member.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering Elder Care in Boynton, FL, please contact the caring staff at IDS In-Home Care today. Providing In-Home Care Services in Broward County: 954-476-5353 and Palm Beach County: 561-988-8483

Jeff Stern

Owner at IDS In-Home Care

Jeff Stern is the Owner at IDS In-Home Care.

IDS In-Home Care stands for Independence, Dignity & Security, so naturally our mission is to help our clients achieve a life of Independence and Dignity in the Security of their own homes.Posted in Elder Care in Boynton FLSenior Care in Boynton FL and tagged Elder Care in Boynton FLSenior Snoring Tips