Are There Easy Ways to Help Your Parent Adjust to Elderly Care Services?

Elderly Care in Boynton FL: Adjusting to Elderly Care

Here is how to help your parent adjust to elder care services?

Be Open About Why Care is Necessary.

Your mom or dad may insist they’re fine when alone. Reassure them that caregivers are there to make you feel better. You can address things you’ve noticed. Your dad forgot to take his blood pressure medications. Your mom has been wearing dirty clothes for multiple weeks.

Find out why these situations are happening. Your mom may admit that she’s struggling to carry a hamper up and downstairs. Your dad may find his memory is worsening. Once issues are pinpointed, you can focus on just enough care to help them remain independent. Push the idea that caregivers are to help them remain independent and not to take over their routines.

Involve Them in the Planning Stages.

Get the family involved in planning. Your mom or dad is the one who will be spending time with caregivers, so they need to give the most input. Ask them what services would be most helpful to them. If they hate cooking meals, they’ll enjoy having a caregiver cook meals for them. They may also appreciate having a caregiver to sit with them and chat while they eat.

Go over the services offered by an elderly care agency and see what appeals to your parent. Once you have a list, let your mom or dad ask questions when you talk to an adviser.

Be There for the First Week.

Arrange to be at your parents’ house for the first week. Don’t get in the way, but you can be there to answer questions or help mediate any resistance on your mom or dad’s part.

When you notice your parent starting to settle and be more accepting, start leaving the house for a few hours at a time. Check in with the caregiver to make sure everything is going okay. If there are problems, you can return. If everything is going okay, you’ll feel relief and not have to rush back.

Ask an Elderly Care Agency for Advice.

The best way to get advice on helping your parent adjust to elderly care services is by asking the experts. Talk to a home care agency and ask for help. Elderly care professionals can offer tips that have helped other clients.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering in-home elderly care in Boynton, FL, please contact the caring staff at IDS In-Home Care today. Providing In-Home Care Services in Broward County: 954-476-5353 and Palm Beach County: 561-988-8483

Jeff Stern

Owner at IDS In-Home Care

Jeff Stern is the Owner at IDS In-Home Care.

IDS In-Home Care stands for Independence, Dignity & Security, so naturally our mission is to help our clients achieve a life of Independence and Dignity in the Security of their own homes.Posted in Elderly Care in Boynton FL and tagged Elderly Care in Boynton FL